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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Graduate Assistantship


Description of Data Collection:

In the Spring of 2020, graduate assistants were asked to complete a survey which was followed by individual interviews and focus groups. Following that, beginning in Spring 2021 all graduate assistants are asked at the end of each year to complete a survey that collects information on their experience as a GA and what they have learned from the experience related to the learning outcomes for the position.

Review Process:

Associate Director of Selection, Development, and Formation with support from departmental Assessment Committee if needed.

Resulting Program Changes:

In Spring of 2020, graduate assistants reported that their experience of being supervised in the department was generally a positive element of their experience which contributed to their learning in the role. As a result, subsequent trainings and staff onboarding have emphasized opportunities for graduate assistants to connect as quickly as possibly with their supervisor and supervisors have been given instruction on setting clear expectations and the importance of their role in the GA experience.

In both the 2020 and 2021 surveys, GAs reported that the assistantship experience – whether positive or negative – was effective in helping graduate assistants to clarify their professional interests, values, and desired qualities in a work environment. In response to this trend, graduate assistants have been given the opportunity to complete a professional development goals plan annually with their supervisor in a similar manner to departmental professional staff to further connect their assistantship experience with discernment around their immediate career steps.

In both the 2020 and 2021 surveys, GAs pointed to initial or ongoing lack of clarity about the expectations of their role as a concern and, by extension, as a obstacle to helping them make meaning of their experience in line with the outcomes for the GA experience. In subsequent trainings and through additional communication with GA supervisors, efforts have been made to clarify expectations and role definition during onboarding and initial supervisory interactions.

In response to the data collected in the Spring of 2020, between Spring of 2020 and Fall of 2020, an ongoing development program was offered to all graduate assistants via Zoom in the 2020-2021 academic year and is being delivered in person during the 2021-2022 academic year. Session topics focus on connecting the assistantship experience with career planning and context building through connection with leaders in housing and other functional areas.

Surveys have been administered to all graduate assistants regarding their assistantship experience in Spring of 2020 and 2021, with attention paid to questions being repeated across years to be able to identify trends. Annual surveys will continue to be administered.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

In Spring of 2020, graduate assistants reported that their experience of being supervised in the department was generally a positive element of their experience which contributed to their learning in the role. As a result, subsequent trainings and staff onboarding have emphasized opportunities for graduate assistants to connect as quickly as possibly with their supervisor and supervisors have been given instruction on setting clear expectations and the importance of their role in the GA experience.

In both the 2020 and 2021 surveys, GAs reported that the assistantship experience – whether positive or negative – was effective in helping graduate assistants to clarify their professional interests, values, and desired qualities in a work environment. In response to this trend, graduate assistants have been given the opportunity to complete a professional development goals plan annually with their supervisor in a similar manner to departmental professional staff to further connect their assistantship experience with discernment around their immediate career steps.

In both the 2020 and 2021 surveys, GAs pointed to initial or ongoing lack of clarity about the expectations of their role as a concern and, by extension, as a obstacle to helping them make meaning of their experience in line with the outcomes for the GA experience. In subsequent trainings and through additional communication with GA supervisors, efforts have been made to clarify expectations and role definition during onboarding and initial supervisory interactions.

In response to the data collected in the Spring of 2020, between Spring of 2020 and Fall of 2020, an ongoing development program was offered to all graduate assistants via Zoom in the 2020-2021 academic year and is being delivered in person during the 2021-2022 academic year. Session topics focus on connecting the assistantship experience with career planning and context building through connection with leaders in housing and other functional areas.

Surveys have been administered to all graduate assistants regarding their assistantship experience in Spring of 2020 and 2021, with attention paid to questions being repeated across years to be able to identify trends. Annual surveys will continue to be administered.

Attachments (if available)