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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Student Conduct Board (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Student Conduct Board assessment survey. We sent an assessment survey to all students that participated in the Student Conduct Board to assess whether we were meeting our intended outcomes. The surveys are sent to the student post the conclusion of their SCB hearing. The data collection is ongoing and reviewed.

Review Process:

The Associate Director and Graduate Assistant overseeing the SCB collected and interpreted the survey data (quantitative and qualitative responses) that was produced through Campus Labs. An end of the academic year report is then created synthesizing the data and recommendations are made for improvement.

Resulting Program Changes:

The data that was collected has led us to increase our recruitment and training for the student members that lead the boards. We have actively recruited a more diverse group of students to serve on the board to more fairly represent the general student population. This included streaming our recruitment process through online applications and outreach for recommendations from other offices. Training updates have monthly training with topics relevant to ongoing development of the student board members skill to effectively run their hearings. We have also included additional training sessions for them to meet other staff and administrators to better understand the resources on campus to assist in the board member leadership and skill development. We have seen continuous improvements in our qualitative and quantitative comments on the assessment from the previous year. In addition, we have assessed the experience of the student conduct members and their retention and feedback about their experience as leaders and their knowledge and training to effectively be board members has also improved. In addition, we continue to see an increase student conduct board members applying to be board chairs based on their level of satisfaction with their experience with the student conduct board.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The data that was collected has led us to increase our recruitment and training for the student members that lead the boards. We have actively recruited a more diverse group of students to serve on the board to more fairly represent the general student population. This included streaming our recruitment process through online applications and outreach for recommendations from other offices. Training updates have monthly training with topics relevant to ongoing development of the student board members skill to effectively run their hearings. We have also included additional training sessions for them to meet other staff and administrators to better understand the resources on campus to assist in the board member leadership and skill development. We have seen continuous improvements in our qualitative and quantitative comments on the assessment from the previous year. In addition, we have assessed the experience of the student conduct members and their retention and feedback about their experience as leaders and their knowledge and training to effectively be board members has also improved. In addition, we continue to see an increase student conduct board members applying to be board chairs based on their level of satisfaction with their experience with the student conduct board.

Attachments (if available)