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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Sexual Assault Network (SANet)


Description of Data Collection:

The specific focus of the current survey is to review the participation goals of the semester through those who served in SANet. Further, the purpose of this data collection is a brief needs assessment to search for discrepancies between the current conditions and the wanted, previous, conditions from the 2019-2020 academic year. The survey was updated from a previous version used during the 2018-2019 academic year, so as to be reflective of the current, majority virtual engagement spaces that the BC community currently occupies. It was made available to all who serve in any SANet capacity online via Google Forms. The survey was comprised of 11 questions offered in a variety of formats: Likert scales, and open- and closed-ended questions. Items also ranged in topic from the importance of continuing education topics, to the availability of the GA and AD, to soliciting additional observations and/or concerns not listed. Overall, the responses reflected am overwhelming consensus that more time during CEs should be devoted to debriefing calls, and that CEs should remain at the current length of time.

Review Process:

The data is collected by the SANet GA and Associate Director of the Women’s Center on a semester basis administered through an online survey. The survey is made available to the participants at the end of each semester of service. Together, the SANet GA and Associate Director review the responses to draw information that will guide any potential changes and/or adjustments to the program from the service perspective for the coming semester.

Resulting Program Changes:

With 77% of participants responding, there were consistent themes and feedback revealed by the survey. For the coming spring semester, there are various changes that will be enacted as a direct result of this survey: 1) Time will be allocated in each CE agenda for hotline calls to be debriefed and shared with the collective, so as to offer support to the Advocates as well as keep all of SANet updated on the concerns coming through the hotline. 2) At least one CE will be committed to skills practice with vignettes/scenarios. 3) Space will be made over the winter break for time to connect as members of the BC community. 4) SANet members will receive calendar invites that include the topic/title of each CE prior to the start of the semester. As this is a needs assessment, change should be evident in the follow-up assessment that will take place at the end of the Spring 2021 semester. Ahead of that assessment, it is expected that improvement could be ascertained from feedback showing satisfaction with: SANet activity debriefs during CEs, allotted community connection time, and requested CE topics.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

With 77% of participants responding, there were consistent themes and feedback revealed by the survey. For the coming spring semester, there are various changes that will be enacted as a direct result of this survey: 1) Time will be allocated in each CE agenda for hotline calls to be debriefed and shared with the collective, so as to offer support to the Advocates as well as keep all of SANet updated on the concerns coming through the hotline. 2) At least one CE will be committed to skills practice with vignettes/scenarios. 3) Space will be made over the winter break for time to connect as members of the BC community. 4) SANet members will receive calendar invites that include the topic/title of each CE prior to the start of the semester. As this is a needs assessment, change should be evident in the follow-up assessment that will take place at the end of the Spring 2021 semester. Ahead of that assessment, it is expected that improvement could be ascertained from feedback showing satisfaction with: SANet activity debriefs during CEs, allotted community connection time, and requested CE topics.

Attachments (if available)