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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Black Women Matter Retreat


Description of Data Collection:

This multi-tiered assessment evaluated the experiences of Black undergraduate women at Boston College, a predominately white institution. The assessment began with interviews of nine undergraduate black women in the spring 2019 semester. These interviews helped the Women’s Center understand the unique needs associated with holding two marginalized identities, race and gender. The Women’s Center then used this information to create an intervention to serve as a springboard to address those needs. The Women’s Center conducted a pre and post assessment of participants’ sense of belonging immediately prior to the retreat and at the immediate close of the retreat to determine the strength of the intervention using several previously validated instruments.

Review Process:

The Director of the Women’s Center and the Graduate Assistant for mentoring and community building collected and interpreted the initial data and built the retreat from that data. The Director and the GA then collected and reviewed pre/post data to analyze the effectivness of the retreat as an intervention for Black women students.

Resulting Program Changes:

As a result of the initial data from interviews detailing the struggles Black undergraduate women were having at Boston College, we created the retreat experience. Based on the data from the pre/post retreat experience, we sought to continue to offer the program and applied for additional grants/funding to be able to do so. Pre/post assessment results indicate that the retreat is a positive intervention that meets the outlined learning goals/outcomes.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

As a result of the initial data from interviews detailing the struggles Black undergraduate women were having at Boston College, we created the retreat experience. Based on the data from the pre/post retreat experience, we sought to continue to offer the program and applied for additional grants/funding to be able to do so. Pre/post assessment results indicate that the retreat is a positive intervention that meets the outlined learning goals/outcomes.

Attachments (if available)