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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Student Group Event Planning Process


Description of Data Collection:

Student Group leaders meet for a “Lessons Learned” meeting typically within two weeks of the completion of their event. These meetings are set up as focus groups with 3-4 leaders meeting to discuss the various areas of Robsham and what notes they have for the future. The Graduate Assistant runs these focus groups and types up the notes to save in the shared drive afterwards. Student Group leaders were sent a survey to assess all three aspects of the process. Questions revolved around the student’s familiarity with the process, how effective they felt the various steps were, and what they learned.

Review Process:

The Graduate Assistant conducts the Lessons Learned meetings and sends out the survey. The Graduate Assistant puts together the end of year report with suggestions for improvement.

Resulting Program Changes:

Production meetings were created based on past student feedback to help them understand when different steps were due. Deadlines have been customized for each group as each group’s event tends to be different. Lessons Learned results from the 2018-2019; students learned a lot about putting together an event, showing an ongoing, continuous improvement of their programs.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Production meetings were created based on past student feedback to help them understand when different steps were due. Deadlines have been customized for each group as each group’s event tends to be different. Lessons Learned results from the 2018-2019; students learned a lot about putting together an event, showing an ongoing, continuous improvement of their programs.

Attachments (if available)