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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Eagle Path/PATH/Robsham Student Employment


Description of Data Collection:

Student Employees are shown what the job expectations for their position are via a) a direct trainings with their full time RTAC supervisor and b) a review of the employee manual in which the rubric details are documented and the performance review process is outlined. Each student employee must sign a document each semester stating they have read the employee manual, as it frequently is updated. The full time RTAC supervisor uses an online version of the RTAC Student Employee Assessment Rubric to review and record the supervisor’s evaluation of the students’ job performance. The full time RTAC supervisor then meets with each student individually to review performance. The rubric assesses several categories, including Time Management Skills, Communication Skills, Customer Service Skills, Managing Difficult Situations, Problem Solving Skills, Knowledge/Technical Skills and Teamwork. During the meeting with their supervisors, the students are given the opportunity to respond and comment. The Director reviews the results. The Director will lead a discussion with the RTAC full time staff as part of a team meeting to solicit any additional student or staff feedback. The performance evaluations using the RTAC Student Employee Assessment Rubric occur once in at the end of the Fall semester and once again at the end of the Spring semester.

Review Process:

The performance evaluations using the RTAC Student Employee Assessment Rubric are conducted by the full time RTAC Supervisor on the RTAC student employee. These occur once in at the end of the Fall semester and once again at the end of the Spring semester. The full time RTAC supervisor receives a copy of their evaluation and reviews the outcomes of the evaluations with their student employee while the RTAC Director keeps a record of the data to address any issues as well as analyze overall trends.

Resulting Program Changes:

The survey was instituted in 2015-16. Each year since the program and the survey is reviewed and refined to make sure it is meeting the needs of the program. In 2018, it became a part of the Eagle Path program. 2018-19 RESULTS In general, Students are meeting the professional expectations of the job and are both learning new skills and developing ones they already had. As part of the ongoing effort to both improve services and teach student staff critical skills, a student employee manual has been updated as needed. Based on student employee and full time RTAC supervisor feedback, other professional development opportunities were launched. RTAC worked with the Emergency Mgmt and VPSA to conduct a specialized RTAC workshop on safety (active shooter) and diversity. 2018-19 RESULTS The data indicated the majority of the students employed at the Robsham exhibited satisfactory to exemplary job skills. All returning student employees were considered “eligible for rehire”. Supervisors also recorded that they believed their students were able to articulate the Eagle Path competencies sufficiently.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The survey was instituted in 2015-16. Each year since the program and the survey is reviewed and refined to make sure it is meeting the needs of the program. In 2018, it became a part of the Eagle Path program. 2018-19 RESULTS In general, Students are meeting the professional expectations of the job and are both learning new skills and developing ones they already had. As part of the ongoing effort to both improve services and teach student staff critical skills, a student employee manual has been updated as needed. Based on student employee and full time RTAC supervisor feedback, other professional development opportunities were launched. RTAC worked with the Emergency Mgmt and VPSA to conduct a specialized RTAC workshop on safety (active shooter) and diversity. 2018-19 RESULTS The data indicated the majority of the students employed at the Robsham exhibited satisfactory to exemplary job skills. All returning student employees were considered “eligible for rehire”. Supervisors also recorded that they believed their students were able to articulate the Eagle Path competencies sufficiently.

Attachments (if available)