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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Dialogues On Race


Description of Data Collection:

End of the program survey

Review Process:

Program coordinator. Graduate assistant, Associate Director

Resulting Program Changes:

One of the changes made this year was to create more of a “menu” approach to the sessions. Students could choose between the intersections of race and; the media, healthcare, sports, etc. Additionally, we reduced the number of sessions from 6 to 3, to try and accommodate “Zoom fatigue”. We definitely had more interest in the program, as well as the ability for students to attend multiple sessions based on the topic. However, due to Covid, we believe we would have had a stronger turnout, but the sessions had to be conducted via Zoom.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

One of the changes made this year was to create more of a “menu” approach to the sessions. Students could choose between the intersections of race and; the media, healthcare, sports, etc. Additionally, we reduced the number of sessions from 6 to 3, to try and accommodate “Zoom fatigue”. We definitely had more interest in the program, as well as the ability for students to attend multiple sessions based on the topic. However, due to Covid, we believe we would have had a stronger turnout, but the sessions had to be conducted via Zoom.

Attachments (if available)