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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: German Studies BA (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

A) Statistical results of student course evaluations done through Student Services. — The attached file () shows a summary of course evaluation
results for German Studies from spring semester 2021. Even a cursory inspection of that document reveals that German Studies significantly outperforms the average department in the Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences.
B) Results of annual Fulbright competition for our seniors and recent graduates. — In 2020, German Studies produced three new Fulbright Fellows to Germany and Austria: Ninutsa Nadirashvili (MCAS 2019), Madison Steele (MCAS 2019), and Luke Zabotka (MCAS 2020); in 2021 we had two Fulbright winners (to date; two additional students remain on the waitlist): Elizabeth Davis (MCAS 2021) and Holly-Anne Grell (MCAS 2021). This brings the total number of Fulbrighters mentored by German Studies over the past 30-plus years to 140 — far and away the most by any American German department in the 70-year-plus history of the Fulbright Program.
C) Senior papers: A sampling of papers written, both in German and in English, by majors and minors in German will be evaluated by the full-time members of our faculty at or near the end of each academic year. These can be papers written for departmentally offered courses, but may also include honors theses or scholar of the college projects. — Attached are three files (, and ) that exemplify the high level of intellectual achievement attained by our German Studies students, in this case by Elizabeth Davis (MCAS 2021, German major), Jasmine Schmidt (MCAS 2021, German minor) and Christine Yang (MCAS 2021, Linguistics and Computer Science major).

Review Process:

Occasional ongoing consultation among the tenured members of the Department.

Resulting Program Changes:

We have revamped several existing courses for 2020-21, and we will be offering several new
courses next year as well.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

We have revamped several existing courses for 2020-21, and we will be offering several new
courses next year as well.

Attachments (if available)