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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Core [UG]

  Program Name: Theology Core (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

as follows:
1. The Core Theology course has helped me understand the fundamental texts and practices that shape Christian theology.
2. This Core Theology course has helped me understand the relationship between religious truth claims and their moral implications, both personal and societal. However, the undergraduate director intends on establishing an assessment process and schedule for the theology core and major that focus on empirical data (i.e., evidence from syllabi, student work, enrollments, etc.) rather than student perception. To that end, while we will continue to use these two questions to assess student perception, the undergraduate director has set additional the goals for AY2021-22:
1. Deliver a proposal to the department in the Fall of 2021 to create a Theology Undergraduate Program Assessment and Advisory Committee (hereafter TUPAAC), and, if approved, to begin assessment work with this group in the Spring of 2022. The committee should be comprised of full time faculty members who teach regularly within the standard theology core. Its purpose is: a) to establish means and rubrics for assessing both the core and the major, b) to implement that assessment, and c) to conduct initial interpretation of the resulting data and to make potential recommendations for curriculum modifications if necessary. Additionally, the TUPAAC will assist the undergraduate director with a handful of advisory tasks as they come up through the year.
2. Establish a schedule for assessment of each of the core’s and major’s learning goals to be executed over the next few academic years.

Review Process:

Currently, the Department Chair and the Undergraduate Program Director collate and evaluate the data at the end of the academic year. The information is shared with the entire Department. In the future, the plan is that the TUPAAC will conduct initial interpretation of the resulting data and to make potential recommendations for curriculum modifications if necessary. The undergraduate director will present these to the chair and executive committee for evaluation and presentation to the department at the final department meeting of the academic year to allow for consideration and planning over the summer, and department discussion and voting (if necessary) at the first meeting of the following academic year.

Resulting Program Changes:

The data as collected continue to confirm the strengths of our current practice even after the AY2019-20 implementation of the new theology core. Since the theology core is new and there is another core review scheduled after the third year of implementation, there have been no changes

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The data as collected continue to confirm the strengths of our current practice even after the AY2019-20 implementation of the new theology core. Since the theology core is new and there is another core review scheduled after the third year of implementation, there have been no changes

Attachments (if available)