Qiong Ma was named CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar (2022-2024 cohort). Congratulations!

Qiong Ma was named CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar (2022-2024 cohort). The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars is a unique program that provides $100,000 in unrestricted research support, in addition to mentorship, global networking, and professional skills development. It is a great honor to join the new CIFAR global scholar cohort. We are grouped together to tackle global challenges, such as energy shortage and climate change, using multi-disciplinary approaches. Particularly, the quantum material program consists of a group of highly-accomplished scientists in my field. We are privileged to join them.

BC news can be found here (Link)!

Welcome Thomas to our group as a formal graduate student!

—We are very fortunate to have Siyuan (Thomas) continue working with us as a formal graduate student starting in the fall! Siyuan has made tremendous efforts in building the early facilities for our lab. [July 2021]

Our collaborative work with Prof. Ni Ni and Prof. Suyang Xu is published in Nature! Congrats Anyuan!

—Our collaborative work with Prof. Ni Ni‘s group at UCLA and Prof. Suyang Xu‘s group on MnBi2Te4 at Harvard on the layer Hall effect in even-number-layered MnBi2Te4 is published in Nature. This work is also in collaboration with Prof. Brian Zhou and Prof. Ken Burch at Boston College. Check it out! [July 2021]