
Dr. Damian Bebell

PI, Assistant Research Professor, Boston College


ResearchGate Profile

Background: Damian Bebell is an Assistant Research Professor at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development. Over the past two decades,​​ Damian has pioneered a generation of empirical research and evaluation studies investigating the effects of 1:1 student technology programs on teaching and learning. Many of Damian’s past publications and previous research studies can be accessed freely on Research Gate.

Zhexun “Cinna” Xin

Research Assistant, Boston College


LinkedIn Profile

Background: Zhexun Xin is a PhD student in the Research and Evaluation Methods Program, in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College. Zhexun received an M.A. from the same program. She holds a BA in Psychology with minors in Philosophy and Japanese from Willamette University. Zhexun’s current research interests focus on educational technology program evaluation. Zhexun is currently a research assistant at Boston College supporting a wide array of tasks and research.

Gareth Cleveland

Senior Research Associate, Boston College


LinkedIn Profile

Background: Gareth Cleveland is a Senior Research Associate in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College. In this current project with NPS, he is involved in survey design as well as analysis and visualization of survey results. Gareth’s interests include leveraging education data to support local decision makers and improving processes for collecting and sharing data. He holds a BA in Mathematical Sciences and Economics from Colby College and an MS in Statistics from the University of Vermont.

Dr. Nam Wook Kim

Assistant Professor, Boston College



Background: Nam Wook Kim is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston College. His research vision is to lower barriers for everyone to understand and communicate complex data. He tackles this challenge by studying visualization within the broad context of human-computer interaction. His research investigates innovative approaches to interact with data, going beyond traditional expert systems and addressing the needs of a broader audience, including designers, journalists, and casual users. His work has been recognized with awards from ACM CHI, ACM UIST, and Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards.

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