I. Scholarly books and monographs
- T. L. de Victoria, Missa pro defunctis (1583), Requiem Responsories (1592) and Officium Defunctorum (1605) (Aberystwyth, 1990) 135 pp.
- Music and musicians in the Escorial liturgy under the Habsburgs, 1563—1700 (Rochester University Press, 1998) 396 pp
- Códice 25 de la catedral de Toledo: Polifonía de Morales, Guerrero, Ambiela, Boluda, Josquin, Lobo, Tejeda, Urrede y Anónimos. (Madrid: Editorial Alpuerto, 2003) 318 pp.\
II. Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers
- Entries on Toledo MSS for Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources for Polyphonic Music, 1400-1550 ed. H. Kellman & C. Hamm (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1979-1984) 12 pp.
- ‘The politics of austerity and musical style in Philip II’s Escorial’ (University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 1991) 37 pp.
- ‘Libros de coro de El Escorial en la Sociedad Hispánica de America’ (‘Escorial choirbooks in the Hispanic Society of America’) Reales Sitios, No. 118 (1993) 41-5
- ‘Felipe II, Martín de Villanueva y el estilo desornamentado musical de El Escorial’in La música en el Monasterio del Escorial: Actas del Simposium (Madrid, 1993) 427-85
- ‘La compilación del códice polifónico toledano, ToleBC 16’ Revista de Musicología, 16 (1993) 2741-9
- ‘Manuscript polyphonic choirbooks from El Escorial: physical descriptions and inventories,’ Revista de Musicología, 17 (1994) 237-333.
- ‘A census of monk musicians at the Escorial during the reigns of Philip II and Philip III (1563-1621)’ Early Music, XX (May 1994) 221-36
- ‘Los ministriles de la catedral de Toledo en la segunda mitad del s. XVI’ Actas del I Encuentro Tómas Luis de Victoria (Avila, 1997) 125-133
- ‘A manuscript case study’ Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (OUP, 1998) 239-246
- ‘Philip II and musical patronage at the Escorial’, Leading Notes, XV (Spring 1998) 9-13
- ‘Philip II and music: a fourth centenary re-assessment’, Revista de Musicología XXI (1998) 431-51
- ‘Claudio Coello’s “Sagrada Forma” and music for the ceremonial relocations of a sacred relic at El Escorial in 1684 and 1690’, Musicology Australia XXI (1998) 16-27
- ‘Cristóbal de Morales en Toledo’, Scherzo 147 (2000) 124-5.
- ‘Procesiones a la “ciudad de los muertos”. La Capilla Real y un réquiem anónimo de El Escorial’, in J. J. Carreras and B. García, La Capilla Real de los Austrias (Madrid, 2001) 207-34.
- ‘Vivanco’, in Goldberg 16 (2001) 27-39.
- ‘Cristóbal de Morales in Toledo 1545-6: ToleBC 25 and “new” works by Morales, Guerrero, Lobo, Tejeda, and Ambiela’, Early Music, XXX (August 2002) 341-363
- ‘Morales’, in Goldberg 24 (September, 2003) 35-41.
- ‘Felipe II y la música en El Escorial’ in Políticas y practicas musicales en el mundo de Felipe II. Estudios sobre la música en España y sus territorios en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI (Madrid: ICCMU, 2004) 41-46. Ed. by John Griffiths and Javier Súarez-Pajares.
- ‘Music at the Court of the Catholic Kings’, in Goldberg 26 (February, 2004) 54-59.
- ‘Processions to the ‘City of the Dead’: the Spanish Royal Chapel and an anonymous Requiem from El Escorial’, in The Royal Chapel in the Time of the Habsburgs: Music and Court Ceremony in Early Modern Europe (Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2005) Ed. by Juan José Carreras, Bernardo García García, and Tess Knighton.
- ‘Fernando de las Infantas and the art of the motet’, 38 (2006) 40-47 Goldberg
- ‘Printed polyphony acquired by Toledo Cathedral, 1545-1669’ in Tess Knighton and Iain Fenlon (eds.), Early Music Printing and Publishing in the Iberian World (Edition Reichenberger, Kassel: 2006), 241-74
- with Graeme Skinner, ‘The nuevo rezado, music scribes, and the restoration of Morales’s Toledo lamentation’, in Owen Rees and Bernadette Nelson, Cristóbal de Morales: sources, influence and reception (Boydell Press: 2007) 3-20.
- ‘Luis Venegas de Henestrosa’s intabulation of Morales’s Sacris solemniis and its recently-discovered vocal source’, in Cinco siglos de música de tecla española—Actas de los simposia FIMTE 2002-2004 ed. Luis Morales (Almería: Asociación Cultural LEAL, 2007) 11-26.
- with Graeme Skinner, ‘Toledo Cathedral’s lost ‘magnifique livre des messes’ recovered, and ‘new’ works by Boluda, Palomares and Navarro’, Early Music 34 (2006) 561-586.
- with Graeme Skinner, “Toledo Cathedral’s collection of manuscript plainsong choirbooks: a preliminary report and checklist” NOTES, Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 63 (2006) 289-328
- with Graeme Skinner & Ángel Fernández Collado, ‘El Fondo de Cantorales de Canto Llano de la Catedral de Toledo—Informe y catálogo provisional’, Memorie ecclesiae in press
- ‘An early seventeenth-century source for performing practices at Toledo Cathedral’, in Gioia Filocamo and M. Jennifer Bloxam (eds.), “Uno gentile et subtile ingenio”: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Bonnie Blackburn Brepols (Turnhout) for the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance in the series “Épitome musical” ed. Philippe Vendrix. In press
- “Towards an aural image of Spanish Golden Age polyphony” forthcoming in August issue of Tijdschrift Oude Muziek.
III. Dictionary articles
Articles on the following 13 topics for the Diccionario de la Música Española e Hispanoamericana: ‘Escorial, El (San Lorenzo el Real)’; ‘Montemayor, Francisco de’; ‘Padilla, Juan de’; ‘Ribera, Bernardino de’; ‘San Jerónimo, Fray Cristóbal de’; ‘Santa María, Jorge de’; ‘Santos, Fray Francisco de los’; ‘Sánchez, Miguel’; ‘Tafalla, Pedro de’; ‘Torrentes, Andrés de’; ‘Villanueva, Jerónimo’, ‘Villanueva, Martín de’, and ‘Michael J. Noone’
Articles on following composers for Revised New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (London: Macmillan, 2001): ‘Torrentes, Andrés de’ and ‘Villanueva, Martín de’
‘Toledo’, Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart IX (Kassel, 1998), 614-618. Article on ‘Martín de Villanueva’ forthcoming in MGG.
IV. Reviews, editions of musical works and translations
- Rodrigo de Ceballos, Hortus conclusus (London: Mapa Mundi, 1981) 4 pp.
- T. L. de Victoria, Missa Surge Propera (London: Mapa Mundi, 1984) 36 pp.
- Cristóbal de Morales, O Crux, Ave (London: Mapa Mundi, 1985) 4 pp.
- Cristóbal de Morales, Emendemus in melius (London: Mapa Mundi, 1985) 7 pp.
- Fernando de las Infantas, Victimae paschali laudes (London: Mapa Mundi, 1986) 8 pp.
- ‘Matthew Locke’s Dramatic Music’, Musicology Australia IX (1987)
- ‘José López-Calo’s Catálogo del Archivo de Música de la Catedral de Granada’, Musicology Australia XV (1992) 98-99
- ‘Dom Eladio Ros’s La Música en Nueva Nursia’, Musicology Australia XVI (1993) 64-66
- ‘Luis Hernández’s “Música y culto divino en el real monasterio de El Escorial (1563-1837)”’, Early Music, August 1995
- Luis Hernández’s ‘Música y culto divino en el real monasterio de El Escorial (1563-1837)’ reviewed by Begoña Lolo in Musicology Australia XVIII (1995), 68-9 (my translation)
- ‘The complete works of Martín de Villanueva’, Early Music, XXVI (1998) 493-5
- ‘Music at Philip II’s court’, Early Music, XXX (2002) 127.
- ‘Escuchar la historia’, Revista de Libros 61 (January, 2002) 39-40.
- Review of Luis Robledo Estaire, Tess Knighton, Cristina Bordas Ibáñez y Juan José Carreras, Aspectos de la cultura musical en la Corte de Felipe II in NOTES (2003) 879-881
- Review of Miguel Ángel Marín, Music on the Margin—Urban Musical Life in Eighteenth-Century Jaca in NOTES (2003) 189-191
- Review of Tess Knighton, Música y músicos en la corte de Fernando el Católico in Goldberg 24 (September, 2003) 30.
- Review of Maricarmen Gómez Muntané (ed.) El Cancionero de Uppsala in Goldberg 29 (August, 2004) 25.
- ‘The grandeur of Seville’, Early Music XXXVI (2008) 114-116.
- Ginés de Boluda, Missa sobre Ut re mi fa sol la a 5 (London: Mapa Mundi, forthcoming)
- Review of Tess Knighton and Álvaro Torrente, Devotional Music in the Iberian World, 1450–1800: The Villancico and Related Genres (Ashgate: 2008) forthcoming in Renaissance Quarterly (Autumn 2008 issue)
- Review of José López-Calo, La Música en la Catedral de Valladolid (Valladolid: 2007) 10 vols. forthcoming in NOTES
V. Editorships
- Anthology of Australian Music on Disc (ed. with Robert Parker) (Canberra, 1989) 120 pp
- Musicology Australia vols. IX, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX
VI. Other outputs
a) Notes for CDs
- Tomás Luis de Victoria, Requiem Mass (Sydney University Chamber Choir) (EMI, 1984)
- Tomás Luis de Victoria, Missa Surge Propera (Choir of Christ Church) (CBS, 1990)
- Leslie Howard plays Percy Grainger(Leslie Howard, piano) (ABC Classics, 1991)
- A Grainger Compendium(Leslie Howard, piano) (ABC Classics, 1991)
- Guilmant, Dupré and Poulenc, Organ Concertos, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Simon Preston (organ) (ABC Classics, 1991)
- Francisco Guerrero (+1599): Requiem, Orchestra of the Renaissance conducted by Michael Noone (Glossa) GCD 921402 HKU 003 (1999)
- Spanish Battle Music in the Age of Discovery—the Song Company conducted by Michael Noone ABC Classics 461 731-2 (2001)
- Assumption Mass at Toledo Cathedral, ca. 1580, Orchestra of the Renaissance conducted by Michael Noone (Glossa GCD 921404 (2001)
- Sebastián de Vivanco—Missa In manus tuas and motets, Orchestra of the Renaissance conducted by Michael Noone (Glossa) GCD 921405 (2002)
- Fernando de las Infantas Motetes, Ensemble PLVS VLTRA, conducted by Michael Noone, (Documentos Sonoros) DS-0140 (2004)
- Morales en Toledo, newly-discovered works by Morales, Ensemble PLVS VLTRA conducted by Michael Noone (Glossa) GCD 922001 (2005)
- Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599), Missa Surge propera and motets for voices and winds. Sydney Chamber Choir & Orchestra of the Renaissance ABC Classics 2006
- Francisco Guerrero, Missa Super flumina Babylonis, Ensemble PLVS VLTRA, Schola Antiqua and His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts, conducted by M. Noone (Glossa) GCD 922005 (2007)
- William Byrd, Gradualia 1607, Ensemble PLVS VLTRA conducted by Michael Noone forthcoming on Musica Omnia
- Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618), Ensemble PLVS VLTRA conducted by Michael Noone (Glossa) forthcoming
- Tomás Luis de Victoria, Missa pro Victoria a 9 and Missa pro defunctis a 4 Ensemble PLVS VLTRA conducted by Michael Noone (Decca L’Oiseau lyre) forthcoming
- Tomás Luis de Victoria, Lamentations of Jeremiah from Cap. Sis MS 186 Ensemble PLVS VLTRA conducted by Michael Noone (Decca L’Oiseau lyre) forthcoming
b) Academic reports
- Report on 15th Congress of the International Musicological Society (Madrid) Early Music XX (August, 1992) 522
- Report on first Symposium on music at the Escorial (El Escorial) Early Music XX (1992) 522
- ‘Tomás Luis de Victoria and Spanish music of the 16th century’, Newsletter of Musicological Society of Australia No. 36 (August, 1993) 34-6
- Report on I Encuentro Tomás Luis de Victoria y la Música Española del siglo XVI, Early Music XX (1994) 180-181
- Report on conference ‘On hearing the motet’, Early Music XX (November, 1994) 709-710
- ‘Intercambios culturales: España y Latinoamérica, ca. 1550-1750’ Revista de Musicología, 19 (1996) pp. 387-9
- ‘Cultural cross-currents: Spain and Latin America, ca. 1550-1750’, Newsletter of Musicological Society of Australia No. 44 (May, 1996) 5-6
- ‘Music, politics and patronage in Spanish and Portuguese dominions in the early modern period (Study Session 27)’, Musicology and Sister Disciplines: Past, Present and Future Ed. D. Greer. (New York: OUP, 2000)
- Report on ‘Third International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music “Diego Fernández”’, Newsletter of the Musicological Society of Australia No. 58 (March 2003) pp. 34-35
- Tess Knighton & Michael Noone, ‘Letter from Spain’, Early Music, XXX (August 2002) pp. 489-93
c) Music journalism
‘Complements of the Renaissance’, Twenty-four Hours (August, 1984)
‘Australian Anthology’, Twenty-four Hours (October, 1984)
‘Among the best of British’, Twenty-four Hours (October, 1984)
‘Goehr, the would-be revolutionary’, National Times (April 4-6, 1986)
‘China Wares’, Twenty-four Hours (December, 1989)
‘Sacred, yet secular – a breathless delight’, Twenty-four Hours (April, 1990)
‘Sight into Sound’, Twenty-four Hours (September, 1990)
‘Creation of a fine work’, South China Morning Post (hereinafter SCMP) (April 6, 1995)
‘Long live the Kings’, SCMP (February 27, 1995)
‘A tantalising Requiem’, SCMP (May 18, 1995)
‘Polished team makes Purcell shine’, SCMP (September 17, 1995)
‘Paradise lost for a harp virtuoso’, SCMP (October 4, 1995)
‘Period instrument ensembles’, SCMP (May 15, 1996)
‘Workshop serves purpose superbly’, SCMP (May 24, 1996)
‘A disaster of a demonstration’, SCMP (May 29, 1996)
‘Artistry as the axiom’, SCMP (August 18, 1996)
‘Master saves the best till last’, SCMP (September 9, 1996)
‘Soloists with a sense of ensemble’, SCMP (October 8, 1996)
‘Mixed fare from friends’ gathering’, SCMP (December 5, 1996)
‘Violinist Gitlis breaks all the rules’, SCMP (December 6, 1996)
‘China National Symphony Orchestra’, SCMP, October 1, 1997
‘Hong Kong Composers’ Workshop’, SCMP, October 6, 1997
‘Prazak Quartet’, SCMP, October 9, 1997
‘Musicarama 97 Choral Showcase’, SCMP, October 14, 1997
‘San Francisco Symphony’, SCMP, October 16, 1997
‘Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’, SCMP, November 10, 1997
‘Una cosa rara’, SCMP, November 18, 1997
‘Piano Recital by Ivo Pogorelich’, SCMP, November 24, 1997
‘Isaac Stern, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra & Keri-Lynn Wilson’, SCMP, December 2, 1997
‘Anne-Sophie Mutter’, SCMP, December 9, 1997
‘Hong Kong Bach Choir’, SCMP, December 16, 1997
‘Vivaldi Orchestra’, SCMP, December 18, 1997
‘Avant String Quartet’, SCMP January 23, 1997
‘Jordi Savall, Hespèrion XX and La Capella Reial de Catalunya’, SCMP February 25, 1997
‘The Camerata Academica Salzburg’, SCMP March 3, 1997
‘Oboe Recital by Hansjörg Schellenberger’, SCMP April 16, 1997
‘An Eighteenth-Century Evening by Concerto Rococo’ Drama Theatre, APA, SCMP May 11, 1997
‘Ysaÿe Quartet with Jean-François Heisser’, Concert Hall, APA, SCMP May 12, 1997
‘Scottish Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Jahja Ling with soprano Ying Huang, City Hall Concert Hall’, SCMP May 18, 1997
‘Percussion recital by Evelyn Glennie, Academy Music Festival,’ SCMP , June 9, 1997
‘Academy of St Martin in the Fields, conducted by Sir Neville Marriner with Julian Lloyd Webber’, Academy Music Festival, SCMP , June 11, 1997
‘Paredes de Sangre’, SCMP, September 17, 1998
‘La Bohème’, SCMP , September 20, 1998
‘Academy Symphony Orchestra with Joseph Silverstein’, SCMP , October 9, 1998
‘Food Aid Concert: José Carreras’, SCMP , October 19, 1998
‘Spotlight—Pure Gold’, Gramophone Early Music Quarterly I (1999): 14-15
‘Violin Recital by Maxim Vengerov’, SCMP , October 6, 1999
‘City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong’, SCMP , September 15, 1999
‘Alexander’s Feast’, SCMP , November 19, 1999
‘Salvatore Accardo & Italian Chamber Orchestra, SCMP , December 15, 1999
d) Media outputs about Michael Noone
- Interview with Michael Noone, Scherzo 175, May 2003, pp. 138-40
- Article about Michael Noone El País April 12, 2003
- Television documentary, Televisión Castilla-La Mancha June 30, 2003
- Paul Ingendaay, “Wo Notenköpfe aus Partituren rieseln Weil Spaniens alte Musik in Archiven verrottet, machen Liebhaber wie Michael Noone große Entdeckungen” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August, 2005
- Rafael Fernández, ‘Interview with Michael Noone’, Audioclásica, (125), August, 2007 pp. 54-57.
- RTHK (Hong Kong) Radio 4 broadcast two one-hour programs dedicated to my CD recordings together with an interview. December 2007.
- Cover story and interview with Michael Noone in Scherzo, Revista de Música, Feb. 2008
- Interview for Castilla-La Mancha Television, April 18, 2008
- Interview for Radio Onda Zero, Spain, April 16, 2008