On January 9, 2020, Dr. Ken Galli, EESC Lab Manager/Lecturer, taught Baldwin Early Learning Pilot Academy kindergarten and first grade students about dinosaurs. This included having students “walk like a dinosaur” along a dinosaur trackway that Ken had prepared.

Dr. Galli on the age of dinosaur-bearing rocks
EESC lab manager and lecturer Ken Galli was quoted in an August 2019 Knowable Magazine article, “To date a dinosaur” on recent studies of fossil-rich rocks in the western U.S. Dr. Galli’s work collecting and dating zircon minerals from the Morrison Formation in Colorado was published in the Journal of Geology in 2018.

Trip Leaders: Dr. Ken Galli (Ph.D., Geology, University of Massachusetts Amherst) [Lab Manager / Lecturer: Boston College Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences] and Mr. Bruce Porter (M.S., Physics, Stoney Brook)[Optical Physicist]
We will visit, describe and explain six outstanding features that are evidence of the last phase of the Great Ice Age (Pleistocene epoch) in and around Sudbury, MA. Features to be seen include: drumlin at Drumlin Farm, Lincoln; esker overlooking Schoolhouse Pond, Wayland; Glacial Lake Sudbury at the Great Meadows NWR, Glacial Erratic, kame terraces and a kettle hole in Gray Reservation in Sudbury. Starting and concluding at Weston Observatory, this should prove to be an informative outing!

Field Trippers walking up drumlin at Drumlin Farms, one of our stops.

Photos from our 2004 Field Trip to Nova Scotia

Trip was led by Byron and Janet Stone.
Stone, B.D., and Stone, J.R., 2019, Geologic Origins of Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Guidebook for the
Northeast Friends of the Pleistocene, 82nd Annual Fieldtrip, May 31-June 2, 2019: Massachusetts
Geological Survey Open-file Report 19-01, 63 p.