Continuing out yearly tradition of a group camping trip, we headed north to Acadia National Park to enjoy the weekend. A quick pit stop at Alligash Brewery to sample some beers and geek out over their PLA water cups helped break up the 6 hour drive. The weather over the weekend cooperated for the most part and we were able stay relatively dry. While there we enjoyed nature, kayaking, hiking up Mount Champlain, and roasting marshmallows around the fire.

Welcome pit-stop on the way up … and down Tom enjoying his time on the lake. A b-e-a-utiflly constructed fire Bustling with energy (pre-hike) Made it to the top!
(RIP Bottle of Wine)Quick pit-stop for lunch Doesn’t take much to get Chet’s shirt off A little less energy (post-hike) Apparently this was cooler the day before – Connor