Tag: data protection

2022Technology Law

Through the Spying-Glass: Data Privacy Concerns Regarding Mobile Spyware Apps

Payton P. Reisinger Spyware app surveillance technologies are rising in popularity for both legitimate monitoring and also to illegally spy on unsuspecting victims. In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued its first ban of a spyware app, SpyFone, due to deceptive and unfair trade practices and lack of data security provisions. Some call for specific legislation to curb the effects of growing spyware apps, but opponents of regulation claim that legislative efforts will be too restrictive on growing technological industries or the legitimate uses of spyware apps. This Essay agrees with the policy rationale for implementing spyware legislation and...
2020Technology Law

Neural Interfaces and Privacy Law: In Search of a Mind Meld

Alyson Tseng Neural interfaces are electronic devices that are placed on the brain and other parts of the neural system and can collect biometric and neurometric data. Rapid developments and commercialization of neural interfaces in the non-medical realm raise concernsregarding data privacy. The major privacy risks created by neural interfaces demonstrate the need for a sufficient regulatory framework that can adequately govern new technologies. Current laws are insufficient to regulate neural interfaces. This Essay proposes changes that a United States data protection law could adopt. It also encourages companies to consider digital ethics in the design of new technologies. Read...