Natalia Ronderos

Natalia Ronderos is a doctoral student of the joint doctoral program in Education at the University of Zürich and the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education (PHSG). Her research is on international performance assessments of critical thinking and is situated on teacher education. Her experience includes test development work and leading a study on test preparation effects on SABER 11 (high-school exit exam used for college admission) at ICFES, the national assessment system of Colombia.  Additionally, she has several years of involvement in higher education institutions on teaching and its evaluation. More recently, she was Deputy Director of the Center for Evaluation of Education of Universidad de Los Andes, where she was co-investigator in adapting a Finnish performance assessment of critical thinking to the Colombian context within the iPAL framework. For several years Natalia was Director of Teaching and Instruction at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, leading several initiatives to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning. She received her bachelor’s degrees in sociology and economics from Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad Nacional. She holds a master’s degree in Education from Stanford University. Contact Natalia at