GIS Workshop

GIS Day 2020

Despite the upheaval and changes to our lives caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we still want to invite you to join us online as we celebrate 2020 GIS Day!

Our GIS Day celebration this year will provide a workshop showing how GIS can be used in research and teaching. The workshop will showcase historical maps and ArcGIS Online. During the workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to explore some of our favorite mapping collections, work with historical maps, learn how to make maps in ArcGIS Online and find out more GIS resources at BC. The event is open to the public, anyone with an interest in GIS is welcomed and encouraged to attend.

Workshop presented by Awanti Acharya, Geographic Information Systems Consultant (Research Services, and Matt Naglak, Digital Scholarship Librarian (O’Neill Library,

Registration is now open, register today!

Registered participants will receive instructions for how to join the workshop via Zoom.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 2020

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

GIS Day ( is a global event where users of the geographic information system (GIS) technology all over the world showcase real-world applications of this exciting technology to schools, businesses, and the general public. It is a fun day to showcase how GIS is used, discover and explore the benefits of GIS, and inspire the community by celebrating GIS.