Additional Resources

This site is an archive of various links, handouts, and posts I have created and gathered over the semesters. The site is not exhaustive by any means, and you may find resources that work better for you by checking out the campus writing center, academic services, or the reference desk at the library. You can also do your own google search, since there are a lot of good sites with tips for writing mechanics, analysis, research, thesis crafting, etc. If you search the web, I recommend sites that are affiliated with either the Modern Language Association (MLA) or a site authored by an an accredited college or university. As you will see I frequently reference the UNC Writing Center and Purdue’s OWL (Online Writing Library) for links to helpful handouts.

How to Use this Site

Each class site I create, will include a link to this “Additional Resources” site. The resources on this site have been divided into categories:

  • Argumentation and Thesis Creation
  • Brainstorming & Prewriting
  • Close Reading & Analysis
  • Writing Introductions
  • Citations & Source Verifications
  • Grammar and Style
  • Campus Resources

On each page you will find a mix of links to external sources as well as links to posts and pages I’ve authored. You can also search handouts I’ve authored by checking out the “Resources Post” page, which is searchable by category.

Generally speaking if you have questions about my expectations for grammar, thesis creation, argumentation, and close reading analysis, you do best to refer to the posts/handouts that I have authored since I created these documents specifically for students taking my classes (like you).